Digital Marketing

3 reasons you should start blogging now!

Blogging is one of those things that everyone dipped their toes in back in the early 2000s. Myself, I started a small news sports blog where I copy and pasted news stories to do with sport and posted them on my blog.

But coming back to the 2020s, are there any reasons you should start blogging? I mean, when was the last time you went out and read a blog of some sort?

Probably very recently, without realizing!

See, a blog post isn’t just a personal online diary for people. They are used daily by companies and brands alike such as Hubspot, Ubersuggest and even Nike to post news, interesting articles, or even learning material.

We post weekly blog posts in the form of educational content on digital marketing and web design. And we can see that blogging has brought in a great bit of audience and exposure for our business.

But enough of the waffle, let’s get into 3 reasons you should start blogging today!

1: Increase trust factor and authority

Writing consistent blog posts, whether weekly or monthly, has a huge impact on your trust factor and how your potential clients view you. Not only does it give them content, but it also allows them to see your expertise and knowledge in a given niche.

As a result, visitors are far more likely to see you as an expert in your field and turn, trust you more. Bringing out consistent informational content on your niche makes people view you as a figure or brand of authority and making it far more likely for them to approach you with business.

2: SEO

Blog posts are also a fantastic way to improve your SEO ranking. Creating content around commonly asked questions or problems in your niche helps to get your page in front of people who are looking for answers, and thus increasing your SEO ranking.

Be careful, however, as it is really easy to write blogs that aren’t helping your SEO. Keep your keywords in mind when writing, make sure the content is high-quality and doesn’t turn people away from your page.

Luckily we have plenty of guides on SEO, including how to improve the SEO of your website, and how you can use just one free tool for all your SEO needs.

3: Improve business and niche knowledge

While this point closely correlates with point number 1, it also has its purpose.

Say you are in the digital marketing field, running an SEO agency for local businesses. The best way to be more of an expert with this is to look up articles and content around this and learn from it.

Once you learn, it’s time to teach others. Everyone who did any sort of teaching will tell you that the best way to learn something is to teach it to someone else, and writing informational blog posts is a great way to teach the content!

Conclusion: reasons you should start blogging

Blogging is a marketing and improvement tool that many companies are giving a miss, as they believe their time is better spent on other things. However, it can be a great way to expand your knowledge, improve your visitors’ trust in you and improve your organic traffic. We strongly recommend that if you haven’t, give it a go for at least a month and see what results it can bring you!

What do you think? Does your business run a blog? Let us know in the comments below!

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