When you have your own business, marketing and selling products or services online can be an effective and powerful way to generate consistent sales. You don’t need a huge budget to begin, but sooner or later you will realise you are nowhere near the first search result for your key words!
However, there are a number of SEO tools for small businesses that can help you get more traffic and become more visible on search engines such as Google.
In this article, we will dive into our 5 best free SEO tools for small businesses that will help you rank higher on search engines, and increase organic reach!
#1: Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is one of the most powerful free keyword research tools around. It provides an incredible amount of information in its free package, including content ideas, keyword analysis and even SEO audits for your website!
Keywords are one of the most important aspects of SEO. If you don’t know how to reach the right audience, you need to research into what keywords they are looking for. Ubersuggest helps with this and allows you to find similar keywords that are less crowded and noisy, helping you reach higher search engine rankings!
Ubersuggest does have a paid plan, but we recommend trying out the free version until you fully utilise it to its limit!
#2: Google My Business

How on earth does Google My Business help your SEO?!
Even though it might not seem obvious, My Business is a great tool to elevate your search engine presence specifically on Google. When people search up for businesses in their local area, they are presented with the business information tab on the right hand side.
This panel presents quick and easy information that are commonly searched for by the audience. Google does also favour businesses which utilise this feature, pushing domains which are registered with Google My Business higher than those which are not!
Its free, quick and simple to register. And not to mention, it provides many tools to help your business stand out in your local area!
#3: Mobile Friendly Test

Mobile device optimisation is crucial. People are accessing the web through their phones more and more every year, with more people accessing Google through mobile devices than through desktop computers.
This is why Google now checks and ranks webpages that are mobile friendly much higher than those that are not. Have a look yourself; you will not see any pages that aren’t mobile friendly in the first 3 google search pages for any term.
Luckily, Google made it very easy to check if your website is mobile friendly using the Mobile Friendly Test. Simply navigate to the website, click run test on your domain and you get your results quickly!
It’s free, easy to use, and an essential part to check your SEO in terms of mobile friendliness.
#4: Yoast SEO

If your Website is built on WordPress, Yoast SEO is a must have. It is a free and easy SEO optimisation tool that is incredibly easy to use.
Install it, set it up, and you will get a large number of tools under every post (or even Elementor page!) that helps you key in your keywords, sentence length and readability.
The most useful tool is the SEO title and Meta Description. These two elements are what people see when you show up on their Google Search results. Time and time again when we conduct SEO audits for our clients we see these be neglected and left to look unprofessional. You wouldn’t visit a page titled “Home 3 – Home Page” would you?
Yoast SEO is free with paid features that are great but not necessary to begin with. We suggest installing it, getting familiar with it and when you start needing the premium features upgrading!
#5: Small SEO Tools

Small SEO Tools is a hidden gem. It is a website with hundreds of incredible tools from SEO, to content writing and even image editing tools. We don’t see this tool recommended enough and it should get all the praise!
To mention a few of the tools we use the most for SEO we have keyword position tool, keyword suggestion tool and keyword difficulty checker tool.
We combine all three of these tools to do thorough and deep keyword research for our clients. This allows us to identify the right search phrases they should be aiming to target with their SEO. It is crazy that these tools are available for completely free, with no sign up required!
As mentioned, all these tools are free with some paid tools. However, we haven’t used these and we don’t think you would need to either! If you haven’t already, head over to their website and see all the incredible tools they have. We guarantee you will find things you were always needing!
We hope this article gave you some great free seo tools for small businesses to explore and help your websites rank higher in search engine results!
What do you think? Have you used any of these tools before? Which of these will you try after reading? Let us know in the comments!